Thursday, June 5, 2008

Subaru Event

This weekend, Friday and Saturday, Subaru will be at our West Valley location (4050 W 4100 S) from 11-6. Simply take a test drive and receive a $25 gift certificate to Western Gardens, and a reusable grocery bag filled with gardening goodies! Your gift certificate is immediately redeemable, so come in early to avoid the rush.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Subaru Event was great!! I enjoyed test driving the Subaru (although it's totally out of my price range). I used the potting soil to create a container gardern for a tomato plant I had purchased at your store. I gave the $25 gift certificate to a local non-profit that is trying to start a community vegetable garden for people overcoming homelessness. The garden is the Salt Lake County's Housing Authority's Grace Mary Manor, a community that provides housing for 84 men and women who have been homeless.